
Separate Storms is an exhibition of artworks by participants of the Waterford Healing Arts Trust’s Open Studio Workshop on display in Waterford Regional Hospital (WRH).
The exhibition was launched by Kingsley Aikins at 5pm on Thursday 8 September in the WHAT Centre for Arts & Health, WRH. It will remain on display until 7 October 2011.
Separate Storms is the result of the work made by participants in the Waterford Healing Arts Trust’s weekly Open Studio Workshop which is led by Claire Meaney with the help of Sarah Lee and Natasha Edmondson. Claire Meaney was awarded an Arts Participation (Arts and Health Strand) Bursary from the Arts Council in 2010 to develop her arts practice and the exhibition is the culmination of her bursary project.
The Waterford Healing Arts Trust acknowledges the financial support of the Arts Council, Waterford City Council and Waterford Credit Union in making this exhibition possible.
For more information on this exhibition please contact the Waterford Healing Arts Trust on 051-842664 or e-mail WHAT@hse.ie