Image shown: Menu of Poems

In celebration of All Ireland Poetry Day on 6 October 2011, Waterford Healing Arts Trust in partnership with Poetry Ireland and nine other hospitals / arts and health programmes around the country will circulate a short Menu of Poems compiled by poet Mark Roper on the theme ‘A Moment in Time’ to health service users.

The Menu features poems by Pat Boran, Michael Coady, Martina Evans, Kerry Hardie, James Harpur, Mary O’Donnell, Myra Schneider and Grace Wells which approach the theme in various ways: some focus on the awareness of a single moment, others on a moment of realisation or choice.

The Menu will reach service users in a number of ways. For example, in Waterford Regional Hospital (WRH), they will be distributed via the catering department with the menu cards. In West Cork, a recording of arts for health artist and storyteller Sean O’Laoghaire reading the poems will be available to each of the patients.

The Menu will be accompanied by a series of events on All Ireland Poetry Day including poetry readings and workshops. In Sligo, writer Gerry Boland will give a private reading from his recently launched poetry book Watching Clouds at Liscarney House Day Hospital in Sligo Town. People whom this service supports and members of staff are invited to bring a copy of their favourite poem for poetry sharing and discussion. Galway poet Michael Gorman will give a lunchtime poetry reading in University Hospital Galway.  There will also be a lunchtime public reading of the eight poems by hospital staff in WRH.

Location: Bantry General Hospital, Castletownbere, Clonakilty, Dunmanway, Skibereen and Schull Community Hospitals, West Cork, Beaumont Hospital Dublin, Cork University Hospital, Galway University Hospital,  Arts Initiative in Mental Health, Sligo, Leitrim, South Donegal, West Cavan, Naas General Hospital, Peamount Hospital, St Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny, Waterford Regional Hospital and St Patrick’s University Hospital, Dublin.

Telephone Number: 051 842664




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