3rd Annual International Arts and health Conference,  14 – 17 November 2011
National Gallery of Australia & National Portrait Gallery, Canberra 

Plenary Speakers:

Opening presentation – Monday 14 November 2011
Clive Parkinson Director, Arts in Health, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
The Interior, Design and Health: How relevant are the arts if you’ve been given a diagnosis of cancer or dementia?
Hon Simon Crean MP, Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government, and Minister for the Arts: Official Opening Address

Arts and Health in Primary and Acute Care – Tuesday 15 November 2011 Molly Carlile, Manager, Palliative Care Services, Austin Health & Arts and Health Program Manager, Olivia Newton John Cancer Centre for Wellness, Austin Health, Melbourne
Arts and Health in Cancer Care
Kristen Whittle, architect and urban designer, Bates Smart, Melbourne Arts and Health at the New Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne
Sharon Woodworth, AIA, architect and nurse, Senior Associate, Anshen+Allen, a part of Stantec Architecture, San Francisco
Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre – long term care for seniors and adults with disabilities –
The Healing Effects of the Built Environment
Anthony Ogden & Chris Richardson, architects, BVN Architecture, Brisbane
Integrating Art in the New Hospital – Two Case Studies, Two Approaches – Mater Mothers’ Hospital, Brisbane and Robina Hospital Expansion Project, Gold Coast

The Arts in Community Health – Tuesday 15 November 2011
Mike White, Research and Development Fellow in Arts in Health, Centre for Medical Humanities and St Chad’s College, University of Durham, England; author of ‘Arts Development in Community Health: a social tonic’ (Radcliffe 2009)
Art in Health: A New Prognosis
Imants Tillers, artist
Arts and Health from the Artist’s Perspective
Kim McConville, Executive Director, Beyond Empathy, NSW
Just One Less – Social Sculpture Project, Armidale NSW
David Doyle, Executive Director, DADAA, Fremantle & David Handley, Founding Director, Sculpture by the Sea – Bondi, Cottesloe and Aarhus, Denmark
Sculpture by the Sea Tactile Tours – Cottesloe Beach, WA
The Lost Generation Project: Disseminating the Findings
DADAA, WA Services Commission and Rio Tinto

Creative Ageing and Mental Health – Wednesday 16 November 2011 Carrie McGee, Educator, Community and Access Programs, Department of Education, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Meet me at MoMA Alzheimer’s Program
Adriane Boag Program Co-ordinator, Youth and Community Programs, Education, NGA
Art and Dementia Public Programs at the NGA and beyond
Alice Thwaite, Director, Equal Arts, Newcastle, UK
Creative Ageing in the UK
Dominic Campbell, Festival Director, Bealtaine, Ireland
Bealtaine: What kind of old do I want to be and what kind of world do I want to grow older in?

The Arts and Health Education – Wednesday 16 November 2011
Dr Gerri Frager Medical Director, Pediatric Palliative Care Service, IWK Health Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia and Director of the Medical Humanities – HEALS program, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Ed’s Story: The Dragon Chronicle
Dr Gary Christenson Director of Mental Health, Boynton Health Service, adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis; President, Society for the Arts in Healthcare, Washington DC
Five Reasons Why We Need the Arts in Medicine
Dr Bernie Warren, Professor of Drama in Education and Community, University of Windsor, Canada and Founder, Fools for Health, working in hospitals and healthcare facilities as Dr Haven’t-a-Clue
Dr Peter Spitzer GP, Medical Director, Humour Foundation, Chief Investigator, SMILE Study, University of New South Wales, Visiting Medical Office, Southern Highlands Private Hospital, NSW
Memories of a smile: Twenty-five years of clowns promoting good health and wellbeing across the lifespan in hospitals and residential care facilities

Arts and Health Research and Evaluation – Thursday 17 November 2011
Dr Peter Wright, Senior Lecturer, Arts Education and Research Methods, Academic Chair, Research and Postgraduate Studies, School of Education, Murdoch University, Perth
Young women, protective behaviours, and the Arts
Professor Robyn Richmond, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of NSW Art Assisting Smoking Prisoners to Quit
Professor Brad Haseman Assistance Dean (Research), Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Chair, Community Partnerships Committee, Australia Council for the Arts
When you cannot ‘Suit the action to the word, the word to the action’: the case for performative evaluation

Arts and Health Critical Mass Debate: Vision for the Future – Thursday 17 November 2011
Sally Basser, Office for the Arts, Prime Minister and Cabinet National Cultural Policy Critical Mass Panel – Dominic Campbell, Dr Gary Christenson, David Doyle, Carrie McGee, Clive Parkinson, Mike White, Dr. Peter Wright.
Please refer to the website for the extensive list of presenters scheduled for breakout sessions.
Early Bird Registrations Close 26 October 2011. For queries, please contact the Conference Convenor: Arts and Health Australia (AHA) Healthy People, Healthy Communities – Engaging with the Arts Affiliated with The Australian Centre for Creative Ageing Regional Office: The Macquarie Garrison Building, Suite 2 / 26 Clarence Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Australia Postal Address: PO Box 243 Kings Cross NSW 1340 Australia.

Tel: 02 6583 5040
Fax: 02 6584 0024
Mobile: 0416 641 482
Email: info@artsandhealth.org
Web: www.artsandhealth.org


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