Image shown: Pumpkin Patch by Paula Doyle

insideOut9, the annual exhibition organised by the Waterford Healing Arts Trust, that showcases art produced by the staff of the Health Service Executive in Waterford, will be launched in Waterford Regional Hospital on Friday 18 November by the Director of Nursing, Claire Tully.

This is the ninth insideOut exhibition to take place in Waterford Regional Hospital.  Each year the exhibition uncovers more emerging artists, and this year it features approximately 40 artworks by 16 staff members from the HSE within Waterford.  The exhibition boasts a diverse range of media and techniques including painting, photography and drawing.

The exhibition will run until 16 December 2011.  Artworks are for sale and all proceeds help fund the activities of the Waterford Healing Arts Trust.  For further information contact the Waterford Healing Arts Trust at 051- 842664 or e-mail


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