Musique & Sante (Paris) will deliver European Training Session: Music in Health Settings in partnership with the Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester) in Paris in June 2012.
The objective of the training is to:
- understand and imagine the place of music and of the musician in health settings
- explore the theoretical and practical competences necessary to carry out quality musical actions
Content includes:
- methods and approaches of musical actions in health settings (children, teenagers, and elderly people);
- musical techniques (vocal and instrumental repertoires, appropriate instruments, improvisation…);
- spatial awareness and interaction with patients and families;
- partnership with health institutions and care staff;
- ethical issues;
- musical interventions will be carried out in Parisian hospitals in paediatrics and geriatrics.
Good instrumental or vocal level required.
Dates: 25 – 29 June 2012
Location: Paris (France)
Registration fees:
- €750 for residents of European eligible countries (outside of France)
- €900 for residents of France
Target group: musicians
Working language: English
Grundtvig Grant
The European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme offers the opportunity to apply for a Grundtvig In-Service Training Grant. Anyone involved in adult education can participate in the programme including adult learners, teachers and trainers from a variety of organisations.
This training session is registered in the Comenius-Grundtvig Training Database under the reference number FR-2012-378-001.
Contact Musique et Sante or your Lifelong Learning Programme National Agency for further information.