National | Dialogue Arts + Health was a one-day event that took place in RUA RED, Tallaght, Dublin on Tuesday 6 December 2011. It aimed to explore shared outlooks for arts and health practice in Ireland. Podcasts of the event are now available in the Resource section of and on the Dialogue| Arts + Health blog.

National | Dialogue Arts + Health invited delegates to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of partnership and collaboration in healthcare contexts, and explored questions such as:

  • What are the characteristics of the partnerships and collaborations that are happening in arts and health practice?
  • How do we balance the priorities of arts practice with the priorities of the healthcare sector?
  • How do we explore the ethical questions around the ownership of artworks developed in healthcare settings?
  • Is it possible to further encourage and facilitate creative risk taking in arts and health practice in Ireland?
  • How do we cultivate leadership in the area of arts and health practice in Ireland?


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