Emergence is an exhibition of artworks by the Arts Ability group from the County Wexford Community Workshop (New Ross) on display in Waterford Regional Hospital from the 13 March to 27 April 2012. The artworks were made in response to an acute hospital context. Invited by the Waterford Healing Arts Trust the artists, John Joe Maddock, Mary Holohan, Andrew Murphy, Pat Roche, Frank Power and Thomas Martin made two visits to Waterford Regional Hospital to gather ideas for this exhibition.
Arts Ability is a partnership initiative between Wexford County Council, HSE South, The Arts Council and County Wexford Community Workshop (New Ross). It aims to provide inclusive opportunities for people to celebrate creativity and develop their practice in a professional manner. The arts ability studio group was formed in 2006 and the participants show a huge commitment to the development of their art practice.
During the site visits to Waterford Regional Hospital, the artists met staff members in departments such as the plaster room, the lab and the ambulance service. By visiting these areas they were given a real insight into the workings of the hospital and the people that work there. Through photography, sketching and interacting with the staff, they gathered enough material to return to their studio and start making art.
The hospital is a vibrant and fertile environment for making art, with so many areas to explore. It is not surprising that the seven artists each had a different response to the challenge. They have enjoyed working hard for several months in order to make this exhibition a reality.
For more information contact the Waterford Healing Arts Trust by e-mailing what@hse.ie or phoning 051 842664