Image shown: Arts Care 21st Anniversary Conference

Arts Care is Northern Ireland’s leading arts in health organisation and in 2012 it will celebrate 21 years of delivering high quality, sustainable arts and ClownDoctor programmes across a diverse range of healthcare services in all of Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care Trusts. With an emphasis on a participatory approach, the anniversary conference will provide an opportunity for experts, and all those interested in arts in health practice and evaluation across the globe to come together. The event takes place from the 16 to 18 May in Lyric Theatre, Belfast.

The aim of the conference is to explore, celebrate, share and gain in-depth knowledge of international working models of best arts in health practice and research development. Exploration of the Arts Care model of engagement will provide delegates with insight into how an arts organisation can successfully develop authentic creative communities within healthcare environments. The event will focus on how sustaining the arts in healthcare improves individual and community wellbeing.

Key speakers include:

Nancy Morgan, Director of Arts & Humanities, Lombardi Medical Center, Washington DC

Helen Zigmond, Director of Arts & Health Foundation, Australia

Prof. Brendan McCormack, Director, Institute of Nursing Research and Head of the Person-centred Practice Research Centre, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

Conference rates:
£180 – full conference (includes lunch, tea and coffee days 1&2)
£150 – Early bird (registration by 29 February)
£75 – 1 day attendance
Concession: OAP’s, unwaged, standard student (proof required at registration)
£90 – full conference
£50 – full day

The closing date for registration is 27 April 2012.

For further information or to register see or email


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