Image shown: Pirate Ship at Tallaght Hospital

In 2010 the National Centre for Arts and Health at Tallaght Hospital developed a significant arts programme tailored to the needs of children in our hospital. Thanks to funding from the NCH Appeal Ms Aimee O’Neill, Art Therapist, was appointed to lead and develop the service. Two years on, we are delighted to announce a further year of funding for this service.

The arts service currently includes:

  • ‘Create while you Wait’ art sessions for children in the A&E waiting room and OPD waiting areas
  • Individual Art Therapy at the bedside for in-patients and for children in specialised Out-Patient clinics
  • A team of 11 professional artists on work placement schemes, (managed and supervised by Ms Aimee O’Neill and the team at the National Centre) who run weekly programmes for children
  • Kid’s Classics Music Programme lead by Ms Grainne Hope and Ms Julie Maisel
  • A number of art and design projects to enhance the aesthetic environment of the National Children’s Hospital
  • Music at the bedside led by Ms Mairead O’Donnell

We estimate that approximately 391 children receive the service each month, with a total of 4690 children benefitting per year. Plans for the coming year include increasing the number of sessions available for children, developing art therapy for in-patient adolescents and increasing music programmes for children.

For more information contact Hilary Moss by phoning 01 4142076 or by e-mailing


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