The 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference hosted by the School of Nursing & Midwifery Trinity College Dublin will take place from 7-8 November2012. This conference provides a forum enabling people involved in healthcare from the academic and clinical spheres to present and discuss their research, with the common aim of optimising health.

Authors are invited to submit original contributions related to the Conference Themes which are:

Adult Healthcare
Children’s Healthcare
Intellectual Disability
Maternity Care
Mental Health.

The conference programme will comprise of oral and poster presentations in addition to keynote speeches, workshops and master-classes delivered by: Prof Mike Clarke; Prof Catherine Comiskey; Prof Bob Gates; Prof David Healy; Prof Gary Rolfe; Prof Sanna Salantera; Prof Rosemary Mander.

Submissions are also invited for the 3rd Doctoral Colloquium on Tuesday, 6 November 2012. The Doctoral Colloquium provides an interactive forum for doctoral students to present and discuss their work. PhD students are invited to submit abstracts as either a research study or work in progress.

Important Dates
Research Conference & Doctoral Colloquium Final Abstract Submission deadline: Friday, 17 August 2012
Notification of Acceptance: Friday, 14 September 2012
Conference Registration is now open.
Early Registration Fee deadline: Friday, 17 August 2012
Conference website:


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