Image shown: Heartstone from The Quiet Heart exhibition

The Quiet Heart is an exhibition of artworks by Martin Fahy Artist-in-Residence with the Waterford Healing Arts Trust on display in Waterford Regional Hospital and the WHAT Centre for Arts & Health. The exhibition will be launched on Thursday, 13 September 2012 at 5.30pm by writer Grace Wells. The exhibition is on view until the 2 November 2012.

The Waterford Healing Arts Trust has been running an Artist in Residence programme since 1994. Visual Artists are given a studio space for a period of six months during which time they create a new body of work for exhibition in the hospital. The acute hospital is an immense resource for developing a body of artistic work and the residency programme enables artists to creatively respond to the hospital culture.

During his six month residency at the hospital, Martin explored ideas relating to the heart. He approached patients and staff members in the Coronary Care, Cardiac Rehab and Renal Dialysis Units of the hospital and asked them if they had ever learnt something by heart, if they still remembered it and if they were willing to share this. Martin gathered these contributions from willing participants and created a series of illustrations which are displayed as part of this exhibition.

According to the artist “The title of this exhibition, The Quiet Heart, is an observation that our hearts beat all day everyday without much notice. It is not until some major event occurs that we become aware of it, such as a heart attack or meeting a lover after a long absence. The aim is to elevate and celebrate the heart.”

The exhibition features works that are a blend of digital and manual print techniques and mixed paper collage. Some origami elements are also present. Strong colour plays an important role in the works.

Martin will give a tour of his exhibition as part of Culture Night on Friday, 21 September at 7pm meeting in the WHAT Centre for Arts & Health.

The Waterford Healing Arts Trust acknowledges the financial support of the Arts Council in making the Artist in Residence programme and this exhibition possible.

For more information please contact the Waterford Healing Arts Trust on 051-842664 or e-mail


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