The Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Conference, taking place between 24 – 26 June 2013 in Bristol UK, is delivered by Arts & Health South West on behalf of the National Alliance for Arts, Health and Wellbeing with the support of the Royal Society for Public Health. Submission of abstractsare invited for oral presentation, poster presentation, participatory workshop and performance /film.
Conference themes include:
- Healthy and Creative Ageing
- Global Health Inequalities and Culture
- Culture and the Social Determinants of Wellbeing
Deadline for submissions of abstracts is 21 December 2012
We particularly welcome abstracts that provoke new ways of researching, conceptualising and creating and will encourage delegates to question assumptions and learn about different approaches to current issues and areas of practice.
With a particular focus on:
- Research
- The latest research and new methodologies
- The dissemination of international research and evaluation
- Practice Museums and Health
- Arts in healthcare settings
- Arts and health promotion/prevention
Further guidelines are available at www.culturehealthwellbeing.org.uk/abstracts.aspx