
HOPE is an exhibition of contemporary art inspired by the recovery process of service users at St. Patrick’s University Hospital, Dublin. The exhibition will remain open to the public until 6 January 2013. Created by service users at St. Patrick’s, the 45 pieces of work include painting, drawing, ceramics and sculpture.
HOPE was launched in November 2012 by Sunday Times art critic Cristín Leach Hughes, who said: ‘The best art is the most honest art. It’s art that reveals a kind of truth. I think we can all recognise truth when we see it. It’s a quality that doesn’t necessarily rely on technical skills. The artists in this show are united by their honesty. They are sharing something of their inner life with us through their art, and that is a gift.‘
Paul Gilligan, CEO at St. Patrick’s, said: ‘For those entering the Hospital this exhibition should remind them that they are passing through here on a journey of recovery and that they should never lose hope. For those leaving the Hospital it should remind them that they have been courageous enough to confront their difficulties and that they have created the opportunity for themselves to regain control of their lives.’
Paul continued: ‘For staff, volunteers and all those associated with the work of the organisation this exhibition will serve as a reminder not only of the special contribution we as an organisation can make and must make to alleviate and prevent mental health problems but also of the trust and hope invested in us by those using our services‘.
Exhibition dates: Until 6 January 2013
Location: St. Patrick’s University Hospital, Dublin 8