Something to Sing About! is a network of choirs for cancer survivors, founded in Galway in September 2012 by Dr Paul Donnellan, Consultant Medical Oncologist at University Hospital Galway. The mission of STSA is to form a global choir of cancer survivors,  providing support and music therapy for cancer patients and generating funds for cancer research.

There are more cancer survivors alive at this moment than at any other time in history, positive news that Dr Donnellan believes is something to sing about. STSA brings cancer survivors together in small groups, usually at local cancer support centres, for weekly choir rehearsals, and occasionally in large choirs for plenary rehearsals, concerts and CD recordings. Members of STSA include singing-survivors, helpers and medical professionals throughout the Republic of Ireland.

In a short number of months, Something to Sing About has grown from an idea to a network of choirs in Ireland with interest from centres abroad,’ said Dr Donnellan.

He continued, ‘Cancer survivors continue to need ongoing support, especially from fellow-survivors, and choir practice can be therapeutic. I hope that the choirs will coalesce and perform concerts on a regular basis, the proceeds of which will go towards patient support and cancer research.’

‘To set up an STSA choir all one needs is a group of cancer survivors, a musical director, a room in which to meet weekly and a computer connected to the internet so that the instruction regarding musical works in progress can be downloaded.

The organisation’s first large scale concert will take place on Easter Sunday, 31 March 2013  at NUI Galway. This event is free to attend and bookings can be made here.

To register for the Something to Sing About! global choir as a singer-survivor, doctor/oncologist or volunteer please visit:


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