
The Creative Well is seeking participants for its fifth programme, taking place in Kilcock, Co. Kildare from 10 April – 26 June 2013. The Creative Well is an integrated participatory arts and health programme in County Kildare. The programme offers free 12-week workshops in community venues and was initiated in response to an expressed need identified by Kildare Adult Mental Health Service.
Since the the first pilot in 2011, 49 people have participated in the programme across the county and findings to date conclude that the programme has had a positive effect on the wellbeing of participants. In 2012, the Creative Well was presented at three international conferences in Belfast, Sweden and Finland.
The Kilcock programme will be facilitated by visual artists Dominic Thorpe and Emma Finucane and will introduce drawing, painting, printmaking, clay work and three-dimensional studies. Participants will then work with the materials of their choice to develop their own creative project with the support of tutors.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday, 13 March 2013.
For application forms and further information visit: or contact Nicola Dunne by phone on 045-448328 or by email