
The Healing Sounds music programme continues this year at Waterford Regional Hospital with another exciting line-up of live music performances. The Waterford Healing Arts Trust has established a panel of musicians comprising guitarist and singer Sharon Moore, Jordan’s Rigout and Joe Harney aka ‘Deaf Joe’, a folk musician who performs with Peter Volger on double bass.
The Healing Sounds performances take place on a monthly basis in Waterford Regional Hospital (WRH), on Monday afternoons, from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. The musicians perform in the main foyer of the hospital from 1.30pm – 2.00pm and then move to the wards and outpatient clinics. Healing Sounds aims to enhance the hospital environment for the benefit of patients, staff and visitors and to reduce anxiety and stress for all through a programme of quality live music performances.
The next performance, on 11 March, will feature Joe Harney with Peter Volger.
Joe Harney
Deaf Joe writes folk songs… sometimes romantic, sometimes dreamlike, always cathartic. He is constantly writing and performing, also writing scores for contemporary dance and theatre productions and also often plays live with fellow Waterfordian Katie Kim. ‘Burrowings’, Joe’s debut album, was released last year through Dublin’s independent Delpi Label.
Jordan’s Rigout
Jordan’s Rigout came about during the Tall Ships festival when a group of musicians met in Jordan’s pub for a music session. The sessions continued and the group meet every Tuesday. The group consists of Nick Banks, Robert Doherty, Kevin Power and Lorcan Reidy.
Sharon Moore
Sharon Moore is a keen guitarist and singer, who moved to the south east to complete her music degree in the Waterford Institute of Technology, majoring in voice and performance. Sharon has been involved in African drumming for over ten years and has experienced singing and drumming variegated music from all over the world including West Africa, New Zealand and Native America. She is currently a singer and drummer of a local percussion group called Shikaka who are heavily influenced by West African music. Sharon is also a member of various local choirs including the W.I.T chamber choir, the award winning Ad Hoc Chorale and renowned female choir Voci.
For further information on the Healing Sounds programme phone 051-842664 or email