
The Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT) is inviting expressions of interest from musicians living in the South East of Ireland to join a panel of musicians for our Healing Sounds programme from January 2014 for one year. Musicians on the panel will be asked to perform in Waterford Regional Hospital up to four times throughout the year.
Musicians are requested to submit:
- A short Musical Curriculum Vitae
- Expression of Interest (max 250 words) in which musicians state their motivation for performing in an acute hospital setting
- A list of pieces in their repertoire that they believe would work well in an acute hospital setting.
- Names and full contact details of two relevant referees.
Short-listed applicants will be invited to attend a short training day at which they will learn about Music and Health and will have the opportunity to perform for patients in the Waterford Regional Hospital. From this the musicians for the panel will be selected.
Selection Criteria
The criteria for selection are:
- Quality of music performance.
- A diversity of musical styles within the panel.
- Appropriate repertoire that considers the acute hospital environment, the changing audiences and the challenges of performing in a range of different spaces within the hospital.
- Excellent interpersonal skills including patient-centered approaches to performance.
- An understanding of the ethos of the Healing Sounds programme.
Roles and responsibilities
The Waterford Healing Arts Trust will offer free rehearsal space upon request and will pay musicians the following honouraria inclusive of all expenses:
- €100 per performance for a single musician
- €150 per performance for two musicians
- €200 per performance for three or more musicians
The Waterford Healing Arts Trust will compile the performance itinerary, brief the musicians on Infection Control, Security, Health & Safety, Ethical and Child Protection issues and debrief the musicians after each performance.
Contact point
Please send your Expression of Interest to:
By post:
Martin Byrne,
Music Co-ordinator,
WaterfordHealing Arts Trust,
Dunmore Road,
By e-mail:
Martin Byrne WHAT@hse.ie
By 1October 2013 at 2pm
For more information click here. For queries or an informal chat please contact Martin Byrne at 051 842664 or email WHAT@hse.ie