Age & Opportunity have developed high quality accredited training for those who work in a care environment or are interested in working with older people in care in order to provide you with an understanding of the value of creative activity to all of us as we age and the skills necessary to successfully engage older people in creative activities.
This initiative, Creative Exchanges, will be piloted in September and will carry a FETAC level 6 component award- Arts in the Community. The pilot of Creative Exchanges will take place over seven full days in the Irish Museum of Modern Art this autumn.
The course is primarily aimed at those who are working in a care setting and interested in doing creative activities with residents and clients in a meaningful way. Places are limited so please apply early. The closing date for applications is the 30 August 2013.
The pilot phase of this initiative is kindly supported by The Community Foundation and therefore Age & Opportunity are in a position to offer places on this course at a special subsidised rate of €250.
For more information please click here or contact Liz Harper on 01 805 7709 or email liz.harper@ageandopportunity.ie.