A mental health festival will take place in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary from 6 -13 October to raise awareness of mental health issues. A calender of events and projects will be advertised nearer the time. One such project is the Wall of Hope. It is envisaged that this will be a wall display of inspirational and uplifting words, songs, images, poems, prayers, photos, stories, words of wisdom, inspirational messages etc. This project will be displayed locally to the public. The South Tipperary Action Network (STAN) are now looking for submissions of work to this project that might be uplifting to another person at difficult times or anything that has helped you.

Submissions must meet the following criteria:

  • Work can be original or someone elses work e.g a poem, words or song etc you like. However in terms of copyright if the author has desceased and 70 years have passed you are free to use the work. If work submitted is not free of copyright you must seek permission from the author to use it. A photograph of a public sculpture is free to use.
  • Work should be two dimensional (flat) and should not be larger than A3 size.
  • Work can be hand written or typed.
  • Work can be signed or unsigned, first or both names acceptable . Please indicate if you would like your name put by your piece on the display wall or not.
  • Dates for submission of work: on or before 20 September to the address or email below.
  • Work can be collected from the address below on Tuesday 15 until Friday 18 October during office hours. All uncollected work thereafter will be recycled.

Submissions should be sent to STAN Subgroup – Wall of Hope Display, Morton House, Morton Street, Clonmel, Co Tipperary or by e-mail to brigid@beehousearts.ie


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