Artists working in healthcare settings are invited to an open network event at West Cork Arts Centre on Tuesday 12 November from 11:30am – 1:00pm. Artists from the Arts for Health programme team will host an informal meeting to discuss issues in relation to working in a healthcare setting and share current work practices.

There are two key topics up for discussion working within limitations and the influence of studio practice on participatory work.

If you would like to share documentation from your work there will be a table available for books and brochures and each artists with be given the opportunity to briefly introduce their practice at the outset of the discussion.

The event of free of charge. Please book with Justine on 02822090 or

Arts for Health is a partnership programme based in West Cork implementing a managed arts programme for older people in healthcare settings. It takes place in five Community Hospitals, five Day Care Centres and Bantry General Hospital Care of the Elderly Unit. The partners are West Cork Arts Centre, Cork County Council, Cork Education & Training Board and the HSE. The HSE is represented through the Cork Arts + Health Programme, the Health Promotion Department, the Nursing Directors of Community Hospitals and the Day Care Centres, West Cork.      

The Arts for Health partnership gratefully acknowledges the local support towards the programme with special thanks to West Cork Older Peoples Network and Friends of the Day Care Centres.


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