Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust is seeking applications for its 2014 exhibition programme.  GUH Arts Trust is the leading arts and health programme in the west of Ireland.  Artists/curators should keep in mind when submitting a proposal that we are programming for an acute hospital setting with vulnerable people and this will be considered in selecting exhibitions. As part of the exhibition programme the Trust is interested in artists/curators who wish to engage with their audience by including artists’ talks, workshops etc. as part of the exhibition.  The deadline for applications is  9 December 2013. Applications sent after this date will not be considered.

Interested artists/curators should submit proposals which must include:

  • Artists statement
  • Proposal  – this can include details about the work, your ideas on how the work fits in a health setting, why you would like to exhibit or engage with the hospital.
  • An up to date CV
  • Images or representations of previous work in PC compatible DVD or CD format and should be accompanied by an image list with titles, medium and dimensions clearly labelled.
  • SAE for return of work.

Proposals should be addressed to:

Margaret Flannery, Arts Director, Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust, University Hospital, Newcastle Road, Galway or you can email your submission to

Further enquiries to: Margaret Flannery, Galway University Hospitals Arts Officer, Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust, University Hospital, Galway. 
Tel: +353 (0)91 544979

Note: All applications will be discarded after adjudication unless a SAE is provided. Adjudication will be conducted by GUHAT’s Arts Director, members of the arts committee and a professional visual artist.  All applicants will be notified regarding decisions by email by 19 December 2013.


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