The Economic and Social Research Council Seminar Series at the University of Glasgow present ‘Beyond evidence: theorising arts and health’ on Thursday 24 April 2014. In a deliberately provocative intervention to the emerging health and arts field, this day seminar engages social theoretical resources in order to help elaborate how researchers and practitioners might experiment epistemologically in ways that encourage amovement ‘beyond scientism’ and recycled debates about evidence.
Four speakers will use their work to speculate around the following thematics which traverse the day:
- Rights to experiment: understanding arts impacts through ideas of justice rather than collection of evidence
- Working at boundaries of evidence: the role of phenomenologies of artistic practice and sensings of the arts
- Epistemologies and artistic cultures: questioning what happens as ways of thinking merge with artistic practice
The presentations are intended to prompt discussions about how different kinds of art, artists, researchers, bodies and capacities are enlivened through new relationships which the arts in health
field might hold potential for. The emphasis of the day will be on critical reflection of the arts and health field.
Speakers include:
Dr Hester Parr (University of Glasgow) and Professor Sarah Atkinson (University of Durham): Introducing ‘beyond evidence’
Professor Alison Phipps (University of Glasgow), Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies (Creativity Culture and Faith) and published poet on: ‘Certainty and Doubt: Knowing arts
and health from the edge of language’.
Dr Gary Ansdell (Director of Education, Nordoff Robbins Institute) on transformativemusic: ‘Practicing Goethe’s ‘delicate empiricism’ in music therapy research: Finding value and saving the
Dr Bethan Evans (University of Liverpool) and Dr Charlotte Cooper: ‘Queering arts and health: engaging with fat activism’
Professor Christine Borland (University of Northumbria) on ‘Circles of Focus’: A collaborative visual art project (with Brody Condon) on body donation for creative and artistic research.
Discussants: Professor Tia De Nora (University of Exeter) and Dr Hayden Lorimer (University of Glasgow)