The Postgraduate Certificate in Arts in Health Care Settings course accredited and delivered by NUI Maynooth in partnership with the National Centre for Arts and Health at Tallaght Hosiptal is one of very few courses aimed specifically at artists (of all art forms) working in healthcare settings. The centralised PAC system is now open for applications for the 2014 course.
Please note that this year the course has been extended to allow more in-depth learning (see weekend dates below) and will be based in Maynooth rather than Kilkenny.
Click here to apply and use code MHA81. The closing date for applications is 10 January 2014.
Enquiries to Shauna.Busto-Gilligan@nuim.ie.
Provisional schedule
Closing date for applications: 10 January 2014
Interviews: 16, 17 and 23, 24 January 2014
Workshops: 10am – 4pm, 7, 8 February 2014
Academic Year 2013/2014: 7, 8 March 2014, 4, 5 April 2014, 2, 3 May 2014
Academic Year 2014/2015: 12, 13 September 2014, 10, 11 October 2014, 14, 15 November 2014