Image shown: process . container . growth . flow . by Jeffrey Gormly

dreamMirror is an exhibition of artworks by Jeffrey Gormly artist in residence with WHAT (Waterford Healing Arts Trust) that will go on display in the outpatients corridor of Waterford Regional Hospital on 14 January. There will be a public viewing of the exhibition on Friday 17 January at 7pm. 

Jeffrey is a writer and producer who uses music, theatre, choreography and ideas from science fiction to develop easygoing, supportive spaces for creative development. As WHAT’s artist in residence, he has been based in the artist’s studio in the WHAT Centre for Arts & Health in the grounds of Waterford Regional Hospital since June 2013.

During his residency Jeffrey has reflected on flow patterns in water, the circulation of blood through the heart and the flow of patients, visitors and staff through the hospital as a metaphor for creative processes. He also spent time in the main hospital concourse and in wards and waiting areas creating free flowing chalk drawings on blackboards and talking with staff and patients.

In Jeffrey’s own words “My time spent in the hospital triggered an idea to make available some kind of creative activity that does not require supervision or facilitation, is accessible 24/7, and is easy to interact with. As a result, I have installed a large-scale blackboard on a trial basis in the day room in the Department of Psychiatry which I am calling a “dreamMirror”. It serves as a surface for free expression. People are invited to make their marks with chalk as they see fit.”

A number of dreamMirrors are being prepared for trial installation in non-clinical spaces throughout the hospital, and will anchor the exhibition, which also features an essay by Jeffrey and some of his own blackboard artworks. The exhibition, which comes at the culmination of his residency, is a record of the process that developed during his time as artist in residence at Waterford Regional Hospital.

dreamMirror will run until the 28 February 2014.

For more information please contact the Waterford Healing Arts Trust on 051-842664 or e-mail


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