The Jim McNaughton/TileStyle €10, 000 bursary will be awarded towards the evolution of a work, body of work or project by an emerging artist(s) in any art form. The bursary is designed to develop an artist’s creative practice and help take an idea to realisation, whether that be in writing, composing, performing, or creating in a visual or other medium. Nominations must be made by a partnering business, arts or other organisation, and should include up to 800 words on the artist(s), the partnership, and how the bursary will be used.
Awarded as part of the Allianz Business to Arts Awards 2013, the Bursary is for projects and the development of ideas realised before 1 September 2014.
The closing date for receipt of nominations is 5pm, Tuesday 6 May 2014.
For more information please contact Rowena Neville on +00353 (0)1 6725336 or e-mail at awards@businesstoarts.ie
To download the application form please visit: www.businesstoarts.ie/awards