Validation is a way of working and communicating with older people who have dementia and it is particularly focused on people who are in later stages of dementia. It makes use of sensory methods of communication such as touch, song and movement to build relationships and connect with the interests people had and the activities they engaged in at earlier times in their lives. University College Cork (UCC) is delighted to host a Validation workshop with Mrs. Naomi Feil, founder of Validation, on 30 May 2014 from 9.00am – 17.30 pm in Room G01 at the Brookfield Health Sciences Complex.

The workshop is supported by the School of Applied Social Studies, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, and the School of Nursing and Midwifery, College of Medicine and Health, UCC, the Oak Lodge Nursing Home, Cloyne, Co. Cork, Cork Carers Association and the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland.

Detailed information and registration details are available at the workshop webpage


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