
In / Between is a site specific performative installation by Olivia Hassett in deAppendix, 30 Ardagh Grove, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Olivia Hasset will be in conversation with Prof. David Taylor, Materials Engineering TCD in deAppendix on 21 May 2014 at 6.30pm. This conversation marks, for Hassett, the culmination of a three month residency at deAppendix. In / Between will be on display until 25 June 2014.
In / Betweeen draws directly from Hassett’s preoccupation with metaphorical and phenomenological notions of skin as a porous, liminal boundary between public and private aspects of the human body. Squatting in the hybrid space of deAppendix, In / Between is aptly located to consider shifts in a patients sense of self (mostly imperceptibly) as they move backward and forwards between the outside/ inside and the public/ private areas within a GP’s surgery. By colonizing the door handles of Amaranta Family Practice (see detail image above), In/ Between induces patient-participants to become active protagonists as they move through the installation to access the GP facilities.
Occupying a liminal space between animation and inanimate objecthood, various elements of In / Between will go through transformative processes mediated by the artist’s performing body and environmental factors. The nature/ identity/ essence of these elements will shift back and forth across the tenuous boundary separating active embodiment and the alleged passivity of an acquiescent, inanimate, state. For Hassett these processes are reminiscent of the ongoing shifts and transformations of humanity’s skin and / or self-identity.
For further information contact 01 2785866 or contactdeappendix@gmail.com.