Create, the national development agency for Collaborative Arts, is delighted to be working with the HSE to create an exciting and unique commission opportunity for artists under the Per Cent for Art Scheme. The Health Service Executive (HSE) is developing a new 50-bed acute adult mental health in-patient unit on the Cork University Hospital (CUH) campus. The new unit will replace the existing 46-bed unit (called South Lee Adult Mental Health Unit (SLMHU)), which is located elsewhere on the hospital campus.
As part of this development the HSE has secured funding under the Per Cent for Art Scheme to commission artwork(s) for the new unit. A HSE SLMHU New Build Arts Working Group has been established and the Working Group now wish to commission an artist to create ambitious and original work which will be displayed in the new unit.
Create, has been engaged by the SLMHU New Build Arts Working Group to manage the commission. Create will be the primary point of contact for enquiries and short-listed artists. For full details, please download the artist pack.