Well, festival of arts and wellbeing will be returning soon to Waterford this October. Incorporating World Mental Health Day on Friday 10 October, this unique festival will explore and celebrate the benefits of taking part in the arts for you. The Well festival is your opportunity to become immersed in a huge variety of arts activities which will focus on the proven benefits of the arts to the human spirit.
Garter Lane Arts Centre and Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT) will host a number of events including Pat McGrath’s one man show Small Plastic Wars, Beowulf: The Blockbuster by award-winning Bryan Burroughs and lunchtimes events at University Hospital Waterford. WHAT has planned a range of arts experiences from a dance flash mob with Libby Seward to comedy with former midwife Bridie Hodge.
Full details of the Well festival programme will be launched in September and for more information visit www.facebook.com/wellfestivalartswellbeing
For further information contact Mary Grehan on 051-842664 and Mary.Grehan@hse.ie or Caroline Senior on 051-877153 and caroline@garterlane.ie.