Are you a marketing graduate?
Are you ready for a challenge with a difference?
WHAT wants to hear from you!
What is WHAT?
WHAT is a charity and Ireland’s leading arts and health programme. We bring arts experiences to patients in University Hospital Waterford and other healthcare environments. We are a support agency for arts and health work on a national basis. We are based inWaterford.
See www.waterfordhealingarts.com and www.artsandhealth.ie for more information
What do we want?
We want to engage a Marketing graduate on a six-month, paid internship to develop and deliver a public awareness campaign as an integral part of the our fund-raising strategy.
What do we want our marketing intern to achieve?
Our Marketing Intern will
- Identify our marketing needs
- Develop our brand
- Develop a memorable public awareness campaign
- Develop a positioning statement and key messages about us
- Build a compelling case about us
- Do the necessary market research
- Identify PR angles to our dynamic programme
- Attract features in national media
- Organise media campaigns around aspects of our work, including social media
- Organise events to raise our public profile
- Find accessible means for people to contribute to funding and supporting our work
- Develop our communications strategy and begin to roll it out
- Conduct a public awareness survey to assess the shift in public awareness
- Make recommendations for the ongoing profile raising and branding ofWHATafter the end of the internship
What kind of people are we looking for?
Our intern will
- Have excellent marketing skills
- Be a great communicator and organiser
- Appreciate our work and values
- Be able to work with a range of stakeholders
- Be able to work under pressure and meet deadlines
- Be resourceful in finding innovative solutions
When do we want you?
Mid-January – Mid-July 2015
What’s in it for you?
- We will pay €3000 for a six month internship
- The intern will get first-hand experience of the planning and delivery of a public awareness campaign for a charity and the development of a brand
- We will give a written reference that will attest to the skills & experience developed
- The intern will be free to bring with them the portfolio of documentation developed as part of the work experience
Interested? What do you do next?
Send a one-page letter of application outlining your interest in this opportunity and CV to Mary Grehan, Waterford Healing Arts Trust, University Hospital Waterford, Dunmore Road, Waterfordby Friday 31 October 2014 at 3pm. Or you can email it to mary.grehan@hse.ie.
Please phone 051 842664 or email what@hse.ie if you have any questions.