Excursion by Pat Byrne

Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust is hosting a new exhibition by artist Pat Byrne titled “Excursion” on the Arts Corridor, University Hospital, Galway. Excursion is based on work inspired by a three month residency with Nes Artist Residency in Skagastrond, Iceland. Pat states: “The core theme of my painting is playing with scale. This is achieved by placing locations, landscapes and scenes in, on or around oversized everyday objects creating juxtapositions that give my work a surrealist nature.”

As well as the visual element this recent body of work has underlying layers that look at issues and occurrences of our surrounding environments and areas either historical or as a result of progress, both natural and through the impact of human activity.

Pat’s goal of working this way is primarily to simply have fun with the imagery while the secondary aim is to subtly portray the tones that run beneath the aesthetic.
Note: Excursion runs until 30 October. The artist will give a presentation and talk at University Hospital Galway for patients and staff, on Thursday 23 October at 1.30pm. Members of the public are welcome but please contact the Arts Office in advance.

About the Artist
Pat Byrne, an artist based in Portlaoise studied at Galway Mayo Institute of Technology where he graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Fine Art. Recent exhibitions include Excursion for the Birr Arts Festival (2014), Corrosion at MadArt Gallery, Dublin (2012), SHAPE at Leixlip Library Gallery (2011). He is a former member of A-merge artist collective. Residencies include Nes Artist Residency in Skagastrond, Iceland (2012) and a residency with Laois County Council (2011). He is currently working on his MFA at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin.


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