Nenagh Hospital has recently undergone significant redevelopment works to provide a modern theatre suite, pre-operative assessment unit, consulting rooms, staff facilities and a refurbished day ward at first floor level. At ground floor level modern canteen facilities have been developed along with some ancillary support spaces for the hospital. The HSE is now inviting artists to tender for the provision of original art work(s) for display, under the terms of the Government Per Cent for Art Scheme.

The total available funding is €51,000.

Please note the HSE is not obliged to accept any proposal submitted and should the standard of work or proposals be deemed unacceptable then no art work commission may be awarded.

The deadline for receipt of proposals is by 4pm on Wednesday 14 January 2015.

The detailed Invitation to Tender document is available here.

Map and potential artwork locations can be viewed here and here.


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