Image shown: DCC Libraries' Mind Yourself Programme. Picture Conor McCabe Photography.

Still reeling from the hustle and bustle of the festive season, or have those new year resolutions already fallen by the wayside. Sometimes we need to take time out to reflect and nourish our hearts and minds. Building on the success of the Dublin City Council Libraries’ Mind Yourself series in 2014, the 2015 Mind Yourself programme includes talks, workshops and practical classes that encourage us to take precious time for ourselves, be willing to explore new experiences and in so doing we can enhance our health and wellbeing. The emphasis is on the benefits of positive thinking and developing that sometimes elusive feel good factor.

Topics covered include positive psychology, meditation, stress management, yoga and healthy eating. The literary and music strand of the programme includes:

Singing our Cares Away

The workshop Singing Our Cares Away at Rathmines Library on 10 February and Ballyfermot Library on 17 February is open to absolutely everyone, regardless of singing ability and age. Learn to sing a range of easy-to-learn, uplifting and inspiring songs from all over the world. You will also learn about some ways of using the voice to reduce stress and enhance wellbeing. There will be no solo singing and you don’t need to be able to read music. Participants will learn two or three exercises to take away and try at home on a regular basis. The host will emphasise the fun, joy and sense of being uplifted that singing can bring.

The workshop is facilitated by Rachel Dempsey of Global Harmonies.

Rathmines Library – Tuesday 10 February at 6.30pm. T. 497 3539 or E.
Ballyfermot Library – Tuesday 17 February at 6.30pm. T. 626 9324 or E.

Booking essential.

Positively Poetry, Ten Reasons to embrace poetry

Poet Catherine Anne Cullen will look at the importance of memorising poetry to keep our brains active and at poems that put life’s challenges and choices into words at Cabra Library on Monday 9 February at 6.30pm. Catherine will recite a selection of her own poems, some of which have been described as ‘poems of domestic happiness.’ There’ll be poems of love, loss and failure too – all human life is in poetry, and knowing that someone has put into words what you are feeling can be a comfort in itself.

Booking essential at Cabra Library T. 869 1414 or E.

The Meanest Flower That Blows, poetry reading with Susan Flynn

Susan will recite a selection of poems based on the natural world, with reference to the resilience and transcendence of nature at Pearse Street Library on Wednesday 18 February at 6.30pm. She will introduce some new poems as well as some from her collection, The Animal Woman. Classical music will be performed in interludes between the readings.

“To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears”
William Wordsworth

Booking recommended at Pearse Street Library T. 674 4888 or E.

All talks, workshops and classes are open to all and free of charge. Please check with your local library for booking requirements.


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