
Lateral Thinking, the value of joined up agendas between the arts, health and environment is an arts and health conference hosted by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Ginkgo Projects. It will take place on Wednesday 8 April and Thursday 9 April.
An increasing emphasis and strategic commitment by NHS Boards and Creative Scotland to arts and humanities in health and well-being in Scotland has seen new approaches developed across healthcare environments and cultural practices. Lateral Thinking, the value of joined up agendas between the arts, health and environment aims to show work commissioned by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and explore opportunities to develop and sustain creative-led social and environmental initiatives within the healthcare setting, building on and going beyond the capital design investment of public art programmes.
The event will be of interest to healthcare professionals, artists and cultural organisations delivering, or looking to deliver on healthcare agendas.
Wednesday 8 April: 6.00-8.30, Reception and tour at the New South Glasgow Hospitals
Thursday 9 April: 9.15-5.00, Conference location: The Lighthouse, Glasgow.
For full event details and booking information please visit: