ProCreate Project (UK) is looking for pregnant artists to participate in a project entitled The Placenta Effect. ProCreate is a unique collaborative medium for female artists and businesses to encourage new artistic and professional creations during pregnancy and beyond.Research shows how pregnancy can form a natural time of creativity and that these effects endure for far longer than nine months. At ProCreate we foster a cultural and social platform to harness this newfound gush.
The Placenta Effect is one of our projects. Created in collaboration, we will produce a series of powerful photographs influenced by your artistry and pregnancy to communicate the purpose of ProCreate Project. The results from nine artists will create a piece of live art!
For further information and to have a look at the work produced so far please have a look at: www.procreateproject.uk/portfolio/theplacentaeffect/
If you have any questions or would like to take part inThe Placenta Effectplease contact info@procreateproject.com