
The fourth annual London Creativity and Wellbeing Week will take place from 4 – 12 June 2015. The 2014 week saw over 100 events with nearly 20, 000 participants right across London. The week has now become a crucial feature in the capital’s cultural calender.
There is a growing body of evidence indicating the profound effect engagement in the arts and creativity can have on health and wellbeing. The arts bring us alive, nourish our curiosity, help us learn – they change the places in which we are treated – and make them places we might want to be, they can improve the relationship between clinician and patient, and they give us the courage to face our own frailties and strengths.
With debates and discussions, performances and exhibitions, tours and practical sessions, the Week is an opportunity to find out more, make connections, be inspired, and shape the future of arts, creativity and wellbeing. You can see plenty of examples of previous events from 2012, 2013 and 2014 on this site.
Creativity and Wellbeing Plus
Creativity and Wellbeing Plus is a new initiative jointly developed by London Arts in Health Forum and the National Alliance for Arts Health and Wellbeing. It aims to build on the success of London Creativity and Wellbeing Week by offering events to showcase the breadth and excellence of arts in health activity from right across the UK and world.
LAHF is co-ordinating Creativity and Wellbeing Week and is delighted to be collaborating with the National Alliance for Arts Health and Wellbeing to deliver Creativity and Wellbeing Plus. Partners from across the country and world will be delivering events and arts in health organisations and practitioners are now also invited to submit their own events to be part of Creativity and Wellbeing Plus. It is easy to submit events – simply click on the ‘Submit an event’ button on the right of this page where you can upload details of events you would like listed in Creativity and Wellbeing Plus.
Creativity and Wellbeing Plus is a real opportunity for the arts in health community across the country and world to come together and collaborate to make an impact as great as the sum of our parts. Involvement in Creativity and Wellbeing Plus is a chance to reach a new audience, connect with fellow practitioners and join in a collective shout about how the arts can positively benefit health and wellbeing.
Creativity and Wellbeing Week runs from 4 June. Events listed in Creativity and Wellbeing Plus will be highlighted online and in the overall press campaign for the Week and will also be promoted to participating organisations, the public and commissioners and policy-makers.
2015 will be see the fourth Creativity and Wellbeing Week. Last year, over 20,000 people attended more than 100 events across London and the rest of the UK. These included performances, talks, tours and workshops. The week provides a great way to focus the huge range of work which is happening all the time bringing together health, the arts, creativity and wellbeing. Events happened in hospitals, care homes, theatres, galleries and community centres. Some were open to the public, others were designed just for arts in health practitioners, some charged, most were free. Some were listings of exhibitions which were running during the week and others were one-off events, specially organised to coincide with the week. And some events were just opportunities for like-minded people to get together and explore the different ways that creativity can impact on wellbeing. Here is how Time Out covered the 2013 week: http://now-here-this.timeout.com/2013/06/18/improve-your-life-at-the-lon…
London Creativity and Wellbeing Week is an initiative of London Arts in Health Forum. For updates about all our work, please sign up to receive our newsletter!