In the Picture is a Dementia Friendly Gallery Programme at Uillinn, West Cork Arts Centre. On Friday 29 May, 11am, West Cork Arts Centre invites people with dementia, their professional and /or family carers to participate in a facilitated experience exploring the current artwork and exhibition space.
This programme represents a new way for rural Ireland of including people with dementia, their family members and carers into a local arts facility.

Our sessions are about making observations, describing and building connections. Allowing each person the time to comfortably observe and experience the space and artwork. Each bespoke session facilitates a small group and includes light refreshments as part of the social and friendly approach.

Artist Sarah Ruttle describes …‘‘In the Picture’ is a purposeful investigation of artwork in the gallery. Each session we take time to look at the artwork on exhibit and share space for communication through the senses. We will explore together how we see, feel and react to the artwork.’

Booking essential. Contact Justine on 028 22090 to book your place or to find out if this is a programme for you.

This programme is supported by an Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland Dementia Friendly Award and is part of the Arts for Health Partnership Programme, West Cork.


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