By The Smoke of the Train is a book that documents an eight week collaborative project, facilitated by artist Anne Harrington Rees, with staff and clients at Dunmanway Day Care Centre. It will be launched on Tuesday 9 June, 2:30pm at Dunmanway Day Care Centre by County Lord Mayor, Cllr Alan ColemanThe project is part of an ongoing commitment to sharing and celebrating the important artwork that is created through the Arts for Health partnership programme in West Cork. This is a wonderful and unique collection of folklore, stories, photographs, artwork and personal memories shared and celebrated.

“As much had been written about the history of the West Cork Railway already, my aim for this project was to make a collection of people’s stories and experiences of the railway during the 1940s and 1950s, and to illustrate some with the participants’ own drawings and paintings.” Anne Harrington Rees

The project participants told how people had no clocks so they used to tell the time by the train whistle. Some participants said that the train made life easier for them, as they could travel to school on the train rather than by bicycle, and arrive clean and dry rather than wet and muddy.

This book was funded through the Arts for Health Partnership and Friends of Dunmanway Day Care.

Arts for Health is a partnership programme based in West Cork implementing a managed arts programme for older people in healthcare settings. It takes place in five Community Hospitals, five Day Care Centres and Bantry General Hospital Care of the Elderly Unit. The partners are West Cork Arts Centre, Cork County Council, Cork Education & Training Board and the HSE. The HSE is represented through the Cork Arts + Health Programme, the Health Promotion Department, the Nursing Directors of Community Hospitals and the Day Care Centres, West Cork.


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