
Skibbereen Arts Festival presents Making Sense 2, a panel discussion on poetry and being well with Dr. Pat Bracken, Gabriel Rosenstock and Clara Rose Thorntonon Saturday 1 August at 4pm in Liss Ard Estate.
Dr. Pat Bracken’s lecture A Psychiatrist’s Reflections on Art, Surrealism, Mental Health & Recovery was the inspiration for last years thought-provoking panel discussion on creativity and wellbeing. This year we turn our focus to the power of poetry and look forward to an interesting discussion with our diverse panel.
Dr. Pat Bracken is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director of Mental Health Services in West Cork and an actor with Schull Drama Group. He was Professor of Philosophy, Diversity and Mental Health at the University of Central Lancashire in the UK until 2008.
Gabriel Rosenstock is a poet, playwright, haikuist, essayist and author/translator of over 180 books, mostly in Irish. He is a member of Aosdána (Irish Academy of Arts & Letters), Lineage Holder of Celtic Buddhism and former Chairman of Éigse Éireann/Poetry.
Clara Rose Thornton is a spoken word artist, culture journalist, and radio and television broadcaster originally hailing from Chicago. She publishes arts and culture criticism internationally, and her provocative spoken word is performed at festivals and venues across Europe. She lives and works in Dublin.
Cost €5.00