The Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT), on behalf of the HSE South/ South East and Saolta University Healthcare Group, invites artists to apply for a place on a new Public Art Panel leading to permanent art commissions under the Per Cent for Art Scheme within some new health care developments in the above HSE areas. The panel will be in place between January 2016 and December 2017 with the possibility for extension for a further year until December 2018.

There will be flexibility in approach to individual commissions determined by the nature and location of each project. Each commission will enable the artist to engage with the built environment of a health care context. This is an excellent opportunity for artists to have their work integrated into a health care environment for the benefit of patients, staff and visitors.

A short-listing process will apply. Artistic excellence and an appropriate fit between art practice and the health care environment are the main short-listing criteria. Commissioned artworks will have to comply with HSE infection control and health and safety guidelines.

Artists are asked to submit via email a one-page CV and up to eight high-quality jpeg images (min 200dpi each) of previous relevant work. The maximum size of the email cannot be more than 10mb. All images must be clearly captioned with title, medium, date, dimensions, context and further details if relevant (max 50 words per caption). E-mail submissions to

WHAT will only accept postal applications if the images are on a disc (no hardcopy images will be accepted). Send postal applications to WHAT, University Hospital Waterford, Dunmore Road, Waterford. Mark as Public Art Panel. Postal applications will not be returned.

For further information contact WHAT on 051 842664.

Deadline date for the receipt of submissions: 5pm on 30 October 2015


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