The 2015 Arts and Spirituality Ireland conference, Risking Mystery II: Artists and Mystics, will take place on Saturday, 17 October at Chester Beatty Library in Dublin. Speakers will include Mary Grehan, Director of Waterford Healing Arts Trust, and Fran Hegarty, chief bioengineer for the new National Children’s Hospital.
Registration: 10-10.30am
Conference: 10.30am – 2pm
Lunch: Silk Road Cafe in the Library
Workshop Spirituality and Twentieth Century Art 3-4pm
Cost: €35 (€25 for ASI members)
Brian Dooney, Art, Mystery and ‘The Living Ginger of Life’ (Jack Yeats)
Lecturer in All Hallows College/DCU, specialising in English literature and adult education with a particular interest in spirituality, leadership and pastoral care.
Mary Grehan, Arts and Health: Parallels with Spirituality
Director of the Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT), a pioneering centre situated at the University Hospital in Waterford. WHAT brings the arts, including visual arts, literature, and poetry to bear on the lives of patients. Mary is also an artist and an author in her own right.
Fran Hegarty, Art, Isolation and Wellbeing: A Surprising Intervention
Chief bioengineer for the new National Children’s Hospital to be built on the St James’s site. He is also a practising artist with work in music, dance and the visual arts. Participant in the Open Windows art intervention for leukaemia patients.
Anne Thurston, Poetry as a Portal to Mystery
Writer, theologian and lecturer; the author of numerous articles and several books including Small Wonders: Stories of Love, Loss and Letting Go (Veritas 2014). Awarded a PhD in 2014 for a dissertation on literature and poetry as avenues for conversations between the sacred and the secular.
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