The Health Research Futures Lab is a funded workshop aimed at enabling interdisciplinary research/project work across Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS, including Business) and Science Technology Engineering & Maths (STEM). Successful applicants will be given the opportunity to participate in two 2-day workshops in Limerick where they will be facilitated through a design-led process, supported by the consortium team as well as a number of research support staff. The deadline for applications is 4 March 2016.

The participants will begin the workshop as individuals, and finish as members of interdisciplinary teams, ready to present a proposal for a future research project.

Participants can expect to complete the workshop with, for example, a new consortia and contacts for compiling bids, new perspectives into different disciplines, and understandings of new funding calls and framing potential funding calls.

Participants are welcome from all disciplines across arts, humanities, business and the sciences, and is open to full time faculty/researchers, individuals as well as personnel from business and non-profit organisations.

The workshop, which is residential, will be held over 2 x 2 days. All accommodation and food offered as part of the workshop will be paid for and there is no fee to participate (please note that if you are not a full time researcher/faculty in a HE institution some costs may apply – please contact for further information).

Key Dates:
Application deadline: Friday 4 March 2016 at 12pm
Communication with succcesful participants: 9 March 2016
Workshop 1: 21-22 March 2016
Workshop 2: 6-7 April 2016

The call for participants can be downloaded here and included in this document is a link to the online application form.

If you have any queries regarding whether this workshop is for you, get in touch with Annmarie at


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