
Nature’s Reflection is a series of photographs by Kate Quinn that document her dialysis journey. They were created through WHAT‘s art programme in the Dialysis Unit of University Hospital Waterford and are on view in the hospital from 12 May – 24 June 2016. The exhibition will be launched at 6pm on Thursday 12 May by contemplative photographer Catherine Drea.
Kate met artist Philip Cullen through WHAT’s art programme in the Dialysis unit and began a photography project. Philip encouraged Kate to document her story. Philip describes Kate’s photographs as optimistic, metaphorical and lyrical. According to Kate, “Using your creativity in dialysis is a good thing; it helps escape the reality of dialysis”.
Kate also writes poetry and will read a poem at the exhibition launch.
Nature’s Reflection is in keeping with the aims of the Waterford Healing Arts Trust which was set up in 1991 to explore the role of the art in the promotion of healing and wellbeing. WHAT acknowledges the financial support of the Arts Council and the Punchestown Kidney Research Association in making this exhibition possible.
For more information please contact the Waterford Healing Arts Trust on 051-842664 or e-mail WHAT@hse.ie.