Thursday 27 October 2016 , 9.30am – 4.30pm in The Model, Sligo.
artsandhealth.ie’s annual Introduction to Arts & Health one-day workshop will be held in The Model, Sligo on Thursday 27 October 2016 from 9.30am to 4.30pm. This workshop is aimed at those who are interested in the beneficial effects of the arts on health and want to learn more about this field. Participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of arts and health work and can partake in open discussion on some of the complexities of this field.
artsandhealth.ie is a national arts and health website managed by the Waterford Healing Arts Trust (WHAT). It provides a focal point for the field of arts and health in Ireland via information, support, advice and news, and generates discussions between artists, arts organisations, health service users, carers, healthcare professionals and others interested in the dynamic area of arts and health.
Arts and health is a growing field of work in Ireland based on partnerships between the arts and health sectors. It is a diverse practice encompassing environmental enhancement and participatory/ collaborative arts and is interpreted through a range of creative approaches depending on artists, artforms, healthcare contexts and needs of participants/audience.
The workshop will introduce participants to some of the nuts and bolts of arts and health work, present best practice principles, via a range of examples of work and open up a discussion on some of the complexities relating to this field.
The cost of attendance is €25 and includes lunch and resources. Please reserve your place at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/introduction-to-arts-health-workshop-tickets-26055058381?aff=es2
For more information on the work of the Waterford Healing Arts Trust/ artsandhealth.ie phone 051-842664 or see www.waterfordhealingarts.com and www.artsandhealth.ie.
The workshop will be delivered by Mary Grehan and Claire Meaney of WHAT. Mary and Claire will be holding arts and health advice clinics in the Gallery Café at The Model on Wednesday 26 October. If you are interested in attending, please e-mail info@artsandhealth.ie to book your place.