AN INTRODUCTION TO ARTS AND HEALTH // 10 THINGS TO CONSIDER is a printed arts and health resource document which was launched at The Model, Sligo, at the end of October. It comes in two parts.
The first part introduces the reader to the core principles and scope of arts and health practice. The second part presents ten things for practitioners to consider when embarking on participatory and collaborative arts programmes and / or environmental enhancement initiatives in healthcare settings. Readers are directed to other resources including those which are available on
Written by Mary Grehan and published by the Waterford Healing Arts Trust, this publication is designed for healthcare professionals, artists and others who want to learn more about arts and health practice and may be at the early stages of planning an arts and health project. It is also of use to those who have been working in this field for some time and want to reflect on their practice.
AN INTRODUCTION TO ARTS AND HEALTH // 10 THINGS TO CONSIDER is available from the Waterford Healing Arts Trust at a cost of €5 per copy plus €2 for postage and packaging. To order, please complete and return this order form with a cheque / postal order to the Waterford Healing Arts Trust.