The Arts Committee of Cork University Hospital (CUH) will host a performance of The Nutcracker by Kids Classics on Wednesday 21 December at 11.30am in The Atrium of the Cardiac Renal Centre, CUH. 

Elsa will narrate the story alongside festive songs and carols. Afterwards Kids Classics will visit the children’s wards sharing the festive music with children and staff who are unable to attend the performance in the Atrium

Kids’ Classics is a not-for-profit organisation that provides high quality music making opportunities in educational, healthcare and community settings.They visit the Paediatrics Ward in CUH on a regular basis throughout the year. For more information on Kids Classics visit

For more information about this concert or any of CUH’s Arts Programme events please contact Arts Coordinator, Edelle Nolan: Mobile: 086-7714617 or email:


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