
Bookings are now being accepted for Arts and Health Check Up, Check In, a unique arts and health get-together hosted by artsandhealth.ie, Create and Arts Initiative in Mental Health, Sligo. A networking event for arts and healthcare practitioners and artists who work in healthcare settings, this year Arts and Health Check Up, Check In will take place on Friday 5 May at The Model in Sligo from 9.30am to 5pm.
The event will promote solidarity among arts and health practitioners, enable networking and peer support amongst practitioners, inspire practitioners to develop their practice and facilitate the exchange of ideas.
- With this in mind, the keynote speech curated by Create will take the form of a conversation between Patrick Fox of Heart of Glass UK and Mark Storor, an acclaimed and award-winning artist, who works in the space between live art and theatre.
- There will be a series of paired presentations exploring the nature of collaborative working between artists and healthcare professionals.
- Highlighting the burning issues and hot topics from the morning’s talks, attendees will have an opportunity to meet their peers in facilitated discussion groups. The artist Naomi Draper will employ various creative devices to allow entry points into conversations that invite participants to listen, share and exchange with one another.
Join us for this special Arts and Health networking event and keep the conversation going.
Full programme details to follow.
Book your place here: www.eventbrite.ie/e/arts-and-health-check-up-check-in-2017-tickets-32403835745
Admission is €20 per person including lunch.
Arts and Health Check Up, Check In is funded by the Arts Council, Sligo Arts Service and HSE North West.
For further information, contact Claire Meaney, Acting Arts Director, WHAT at claireA.meaney@hse.ie or phone 051 842664.
See www.artsandhealth.ie for further updates.