Hidden Talents 2017 is the third annual exhibition of artworks by staff members of Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, hosted by Arts Care Belfast City Hospital in the Tower Gallery. The exhibition, opening on 9 May, highlights the creative lives of staff outside of their daily work for the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. 

The exhibition is scheduled to run alongside the Arts Care Belfast City Hospital annual spring Arts Festival, now in its fifth year. The Arts Festival offers a variety of events from 2 – 12 May, including music, song, dance, performance and visual arts. Events take place in the foyer of Belfast City Hospital and all also in local community venues and is for the benefit of patients, staff and the wider hospital community.

Thirty-two staff members will exhibit their artworks in the Tower Gallery, from painting and photography through to small sculpture and jewellery. The exhibition celebrates the diversity of the personalities working within the hospital community and uncovers the passions of people who do not ordinarily share this dimension of themselves with others in this way.

For further information on the exhibition or to enquire about Arts Care activities at Belfast City Hospital, contact Damien Coyle generalmanager@artscare.co.uk


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