CÚRAM, in partnership with Galway City Arts Office, invites proposals from artists across Ireland who are interested in working as part of CÚRAM’s public engagement programme. CÚRAM is the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research in Medical Devices, located in the National University of Ireland, Galway. Established in 2015, CÚRAM’s aim is to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from chronic illness.

CÚRAM intends to do this by developing and enhancing the next generation of medical devices that target chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and neurogenerative diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinson’s Disease.

Their public engagement programme, which incorporates artist in residence projects, supports the Science Foundation Ireland Agenda 2020 objective of having the most scientifically informed and engaged public. They aim to inspire and engage the next generation of scientists and engineers and provide access to information, on the cutting edge of scientific research happening, here in Ireland.

Artists are invited to propose ideas for an ambitious and contemporary permanent artwork in the Westside community in Galway, for display in the Library, Boxing Club or similar location specified by the artist.

The artwork must both acknowledge the various communities of Westside and celebrate its connection to CÚRAM and the Medical Technology Industry. The artwork will help to create a sense of ownership of the communities’ collective future health and the role that the CÚRAM research will play in this.

The artist will work with one of the following three themes:

• Biomimicry
• How to Fix a Broken Heart
• Biomaterials and the Body

Applicants must include a research phase within Westside Community and a production phase for the final artwork.

Application information:
Please send a proposal of the project including timeline and budget, an up to date Curriculum Vitae, and examples of previous work.

Submissions should be sent to andrea.fitzpatrick@nuigalway.ie

Submissions must include:

1. A Curriculum Vitae
2. An outline proposal and concept for the project
3. Detailed sketches which explain the proposal, minimum 2 x A4 drawings or alternative expression
4. Detailed budget breakdown, inclusive of all costs, including tax and insurance details (public liability cover indemnifying the school), as well as material and fabrication costs, design costs, artist fee, transport and site costs.

The artist must be tax compliant and all submissions must comply with relevant Health and Safety regulations.

All eligible applications will be considered by a selection panel, appointed by Galway City Council and CÚRAM.

Deadline for the receipt of applications: 19 June, 5pm

For application form and more details see: CÚRAM-Artist-Commission



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