The National Centre for Arts and Health at Tallaght Hospital is seeking volunteer artists and musicians of all genres to facilitate sessions with patients. NCAH exists to improve patient care and to promote the benefits of the arts in health.

The centre aims to improve the hospital experience for patients, to explore the therapeutic potential of the arts, to build positive links with the local community and to make the arts accessible to patients who cannot access traditional arts venues.

This programme will involve spending 2-3 hours per week at the patient’s bedside on selected wards or in waiting rooms. Clinical areas in which the artist or musician would be offered work include Age Related Health Care, Renal Dialysis (adult patients), Children’s Out Patients and the A&E Department in the National Children’s Hospital. The artists and musicians offer patients the support and encouragement to engage with the service and an opportunity to engage with the arts.

This programme would suit:

  • Artists considering a career in art therapy and/or arts in healthcare
  • Artists interested in community art/or public art
  • Mature, reliable individuals with some experience of illness or disability and a caring, sensitive personality

Artists / musicians are offered the opportunity:

  • to use their skills in a meaningful way
  • to contribute to their local community
  • to carry out creative projects in a hospital setting (subject to approval of proposals)
  • to participate in a unique learning experience and build creative partnerships between arts and health

This programme is run with patients to:

  • offer an expressive, creative outlet for patients and enhance their experience of being in hospital
  • reduce social isolation and anxiety experienced by some patients while in hospital
  • promote healing through the use of creative arts
  • provide a positive distraction for the patient

Volunteer artists and musicians are asked for:

  • A commitment of 2-3 hours per week
  • A minimum of 20 weeks
  • A willing and flexible approach
  • A qualification in art or music

Volunteer artists and musicians are offered:

  • An induction, on-going support & training sessions
  • Free car parking & refreshments
  • An opportunity to develop personal practice
  • A unique experience in a friendly organisation

Please note that all volunteer artists and musicians in residence are subject to Garda Clearance.

If you are interested in this programme please fill in the following forms:

Return the forms to the Assistant Arts or Music Programme Manager as soon as possible:
Anna West, Assistant Arts Programme Manager: | +353 1 414 2076
Clara Monahan, Assistant Music Programme Manager: | +353 1 414 2076


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